When I was growing up in the Midwest, I remember every year in grade school we would have to give a presentation on what we wanted to do when we grew up. This was a big deal to us kids.
Most kids had a pretty generic answer of policeman, firemen, doctor, teacher or the like. I remember these days with fondness. Somehow in my very average grade school in Owosso, Michigan I don’t remember one single kid saying they really wanted to grow up and be a debt collector. In fact, I have never met anyone that wanted to be a debt collector. It even seems like every debt collector I have ever met, didn’t want to be a debt collector either.
I also never met a law student that wanted to go into collections unless his daddy owned the business.
It is almost as if they know they are dirt bags when they collect. Almost…
Anyhow, I was thinking about this after I saw a web article on the best places to work in debt collections. After reading this, I was almost inspired to write “The best places in Mexico to get a root canal without anesthetics”.
Fight Your Good Fight, Boiler
I read this and laughed! Thanks for the article. I read it and reminded myself “This is why i finished high school. This is why I finished high school….” Ha! Jeff