I came across addresses of NCO "people" that might interest you. These are from litigious consumer, who I personally don't think I know.
Anyhow, here they [...]
As you know, if I am not an expert on some of the subjects I cover, I will let you know. For example, I do not help people in foreclosure. Here is another [...]
What is CreditRage Uncut and what is its purpose? I explain in the following video.
Fight the Essential Fight, Boiler
[embedplusvideo height="388" [...]
It is common for debt collectors to use affidavits when they are suing you or being sued by you. They can seem like a trump card when the debt collectors play [...]
Here is a question I received last night:
Is reporting on my credit report by a collection agency considered collecting on a debt and a violation of the [...]
I wanted to post a podcast of my conversation with Hispanic1 from last week.
She has some credit problems. When you have problems, the first thing [...]
He is a question that was emailed to me last night:
I have several third party debt collectors and dirtbag attorneys who have made inquiries in some of my [...]